So why do so many companies stop focusing on customer service?
Perhaps they see complaints as problems to deal with, and rather than opportunities to grow and improve.
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Here are 7 ways to get you started on handling customer complaints
1. Make it your job
- Customer complaints, particularly feedback, can help you stay focused on what matters.
- For this reason, you must choose a person to deal with complaints and inform you regularly.
- It ensures you are listening to the information directly from your customers.
2. Acknowledges complaints
- Provide customers with a direct line—post on your website and on your social networks that you appreciate their comments.
- Remember, it is always better to listen to a customer with a complaint than to let them stop being a customer.
- Once test your customer service to discover first-hand what kind of service your customers were experiencing.
3. Make it easy
- When dissatisfied customers struggle to complain, they usually end up frustrated.
- They might even quit your company without you ever knowing why.
- But when a customer finds it easy to complain, you provide valuable information about the problem, and you have a second chance to correct things.
- To do this, you can include a “live chat” feature on your website, often powered by Chatbot write for us.
- That way, digital agents can handle most customer problems.
4. Track every complaint
- It not only ensures that complaints addressed but also helps when it comes to data mining.
- Track how long it takes to solve each problem and how often similar issues arise.
- If complaints are essential, track them down and measure them.
- It’s not just about making sure every complaint dealt with on time, but also about learning from each one.
5. Share what you learn
- Communicate regularly with your team about the complaints received and how they resolved.
- It will ensure that everyone has the same information and is better prepared to handle common problems with ease.
6. Get it right
- You, not your customer service agents, are the business.
- You have the capacity and the power to do things well, and you must be willing to do anything to make that happen.
7. Be transparent
- Feel free to post a common complaint, and the solution to frequently asked questions, as a person complaining, is unlikely to be the only one with this problem.
- By posting solutions, you can not only reduce future complaints but also demonstrate that you care about serving your customers, which will build loyalty
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